How Long Does it Take to Golf 9 Holes?

how long does it take to golf 9 holes

A 9-hole golf game is an executive course with 9 holes instead of the standard 18 holes. So whether it is a nice evening after work or a sunny Saturday, playing 9 holes of golf is a beautiful way to fit in some practice time.

You may be wondering how long does it take to play nine holes of golf? Knowing the approximate time it takes to maximize your time on the golf course and reduce stress levels is necessary.

A standard 9-hole round of golf is flexible and is usually determined by the pace of play. The pace of play is determined by several factors that will be considered in this article. However, the stock time spent on an executive course with a regular foursome should be between 1.5-2.5 hours.

What is the Pace of Play?

The pace of play is the total amount of time needed to complete a round of golf. This is the overall length of time it takes you to finish the nine holes, starting with your first tee shot on hole number one and ending with your last putt on hole number nine.

The general rule of thumb is to try and keep it under 2 hours 15 minutes. That equates to approximately 15 minutes per hole. This is a basic rule and a nice pace for your typical Saturday foursome golf.

Golfers of all skill levels, including amateurs, place a high value on the pace of play. Nobody wants to play a long, boring game, so players must become more interested in the game for it to expand and thrive.

You can achieve this by shortening the round of golf, as most people who have never played golf find it boring to play for three to four hours. So, the game would be more fun and enjoyable if it moved along more quickly.

Factors That May Affect Your Pace of Play

Man Playing Golf

Depending on these factors, you can play at a different pace on the golf course.

The Number of Players

The number of players in your group determines how quickly you can complete nine holes. A twosome finds it much simpler to play more rapidly than a conventional quartet.

To the same extent, a single player can complete nine holes even more quickly. Singles are not always permitted on golf courses, especially if the course is popular. The golf shop usually links you with another golfer if you arrive alone.

Skill Level

The pace of play is greatly influenced by skill level. Beginner-level golfers, for instance, frequently waste a lot of time looking formisplaced tee shots – it takes considerable time to look for a dropped ball. The majority of strokes are kept in the fairway by advanced players, though. As a result, they waste less time looking for their golf balls.

Additionally, most bad golfers have difficulty putting green. Amateur golfers may require three or four attempts to put the ball in the hole. However, more seasoned golfers typically only need two putts or less on the green. They can play a 9-hole round in much less time because of this.

Movement Around the Golf Course

For some golfers, this can be pretty tricky. Walking on a golf course is a fantastic kind of cardiovascular workout and burns calories. Walking nine holes does, however, typically add additional time to the game.

Although a golf cart will allow you to play at a much faster pace, it won’t provide the same level of exercise as walking. You’ll be able to reach your golf ball considerably faster if the rules that day don’t mandate that you keep the golf cart on the cart path.

Size of the Course

The size of the golf course also has an impact on how quickly the game is played. For example, a nine-hole course with many Par 3s can be completed much quicker than one with a few Par 5s.

Some golfers enjoy playing on executive courses with just short Par 3 holes. Most players can complete these nine-hole layouts in 1.5 hours.

Also, did you know that most Par 3 holes take as little as nine minutes to complete? This is because Par 3s are substantially shorter than Par 4 and Par 5 holes.

A Par 4 hole takes the typical golfer 12 minutes to complete. Because par 5s are typically the longest holes on the golf course, they require the longest time to play (18 minutes on average).

Course Difficulty

Although it should go without saying, many golfers overlook this aspect. A more straightforward course with fewer obstacles will take much less time to play than one with plenty of water hazards and bunkers.

A golfer loses minutes when they hit the ball into a water hazard, or there is a lost ball. The golfer must confirm that his shot is unplayable by confirming that it got into the water.

They must either take a drop close to the water hazard or shoot another tee shot. So you can see how erroneous shots may waste a lot of time, especially if a group makes more than one bad shot every hole.

How Busy the Golf Course is

Your playing pace can be significantly impacted by how crowded the golf course is at its busiest times, like a busy weekend or a busy afternoon. Booking a nine-hole round on a random Tuesday afternoon usually takes much less time than scheduling a game on a bright Saturday morning. This is because most golf courses are sometimes overrun with visitors on weekends.

You might have to wait before teeing off on each hole when the course is packed. However, your time on the course is extended by over 30 minutes by waiting just three minutes on each hole. On the golf course and in life, patience is a virtue!

Bad Weather Delay

Nothing can delay your round more than inclement weather. Most golf courses allow you to play in the rain, although lightning-related delays are required.

Many golf courses follow the 30/30 rule, which maintains that any lightning strike immediately followed by thunder creates a safety risk and requires a delay to be in place. Play cannot start again until 30 minutes have passed since the storm has safely passed through the area, according to the rest of the rule.

How to Speed Up Your Pace of Play

Woman playing golf

On January 1st, 2019, the Rules of Golf underwent a significant update, with many new regulations aiming to speed up your pace of play at all skill levels. Here are some tips that can help you increase your pace of play and still have an enjoyable game.


You can cut down the time it takes to complete each hole by not asking your group’s members to put everything out.

Ready Golf

The idea behind ready golf is that you can start playing as soon as you’re ready to play rather than following the customary order of play based on the player closest to the hole (within reason). This can cut each round’s time by up to 30 minutes.

Excellent Golf Cart

Ensure you drive a golf cart effectively if you must or choose to use one. Drive up to one rider’s golf ball, leave them there, and then proceed to the ball of the other rider. In this manner, shots can be taken quickly, and Ready Golf can go on.

Quick Pit Stops at the Turn

After nine holes, stopping at the pro shop or clubhouse for a snack or beverage is acceptable. However, make it a brief trip — no more than five minutes. The groups are kept moving by this.

Using the Right Tees

Choosing the appropriate tee box based on your driving prowess and skill level is crucial. Playing from the back tees is not a good idea if you can’t hit the ball very far and can hardly break 100.

The recommended course length can be calculated using the following formula: For the right course length for you, multiply your usual driving distance by 25. (more or less).

Reserve a Tee Time

Nowadays, most golf courses use a tee sheet booking system, so simply showing up is not an option. If you choose to do so, you might have to wait for an available period and be partnered with other groups.

Call the golf course staff hours in advance or days in advance to reserve a time slot or utilize an online service to guarantee that you play at the time you want with the number of players you want. This shouldn’t be a problem because many golf courses are becoming more friendly to golfers playing nine holes.

Final Thoughts

The average golfer enjoys a simple game of golf, be it 9-hole golf or 18-hole golf rounds, when time is well spent and maximized on the golf course. Your executive game should not take a toll on you or increase your stress levels by taking too long to complete.

We hope these tips will help you enjoy your next golf game.

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